The human rights of older persons are about the human rights of everybody and building intergenerational connections is very important. It’s time for a really strong call to action on this issue. The human rights of millions of older persons are under threat and increasingly so.”
Craig Mokhiber, Director of the New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, provides insightful remarks and a powerful call to action as part of “Age and Youth: Together for a Change; Dignity and Rights in the time of COVID,” a discussion concerning the human rights of older persons as part of the “Global People’s Assembly,” a several-day forum, parallel to the opening of the UN General Assembly in Sept.
“You have social, economic, and political choices – choices about law and policy – that are literally sacrificing the lives of countless older persons in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. And ageist attitudes that have always been with us are being further inflamed… We’ve all been forced to learn a new word: cenicide…” Watch and listen here for all Craig’s opening statement.