Craig Mokhiber
Human Rights Lawyer
Craig Mokhiber
Human Rights Lawyer
United Nations Career

As a UN human rights official in the early 1990s, Mokhiber was assigned to work on supporting the dramatic transitions underway in Eastern Europe and in Africa, undertaking missions and advising on transitions in Malawi, Lesotho, and South Africa on the African continent, and Romania, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina in Eastern Europe, as well as in Cambodia and Palestine. Mokhiber also led the early development of the UN human rights office’s programmes on human rights and elections, human rights in law enforcement, and human rights in the administration of justice. He played a key role in developing methodologies for human rights assistance and technical cooperation for the human rights office.

In 1996, Mokhiber was tapped to be the UN’s first senior human rights advisor in the occupied Palestinian territories, based in Gaza. In that role, he advised the United Nations on integrating human rights into its work in the region, supported Palestinian civil society organizations and the Palestinian National Authority in their human rights efforts, monitored the evolution of the human rights situation, including ongoing Israeli violations of international humanitarian law, and negotiated the establishment of a UN human rights office in the occupied territories.

In late 1998, Mokhiber returned to the UN’s human rights headquarters in Geneva to take up new responsibilities relating to human rights in the Sudan, before being tasked with setting up a new unit focused on human rights in development, in which he led the development of the office’s human rights-based approach to development, human rights sensitive definitions of poverty, and promotion of the right to development. In that role, Mokhiber penned the organization’s “human rights-based approach to development”, eschewing technocratic approaches, growth-centered, and externally imposed solutions in favor of development approaches focused on the free, active and meaningful participation of beneficiaries, accountability of duty bearers to rights-holders, attention to equality and non-discrimination, economic and political empowerment of people, and an explicitly linkage to international norms and standards for human rights. He led the development, as well, of the human rights-sensitive definition to poverty later adopted by the United Nations, rejecting narrow definitions focused on income, in favor of one that views poverty as “a human condition characterized by sustained or chronic deprivation of the resources, capabilities, choices, security and power necessary for the enjoyment of an adequate standard of living and other civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights.”

In 1999, during a one-year special leave from the United Nations, Craig Mokhiber worked at the International Council on Human Rights Policy, a Geneva-based think tank, where he authored a global study on human rights and rule of law assistance. Traveling to South Africa, Guatemala, Bulgaria, and Cambodia to interview beneficiaries and holding consultations in Washington, Brussels, Geneva, and New York to review donor programmes, Mokhiber identified patterns in aid that disempowered local constituencies and distorted domestic development agendas. The study, critical of the technocratic and often imperious approaches of foreign donors, proposed an approach to cooperation more rooted in human rights standards and more deferential to national stakeholders.

Mokhiber returned to the United Nations in 2000 to head the newly established Rule of Law and Democracy Unit in the human rights office, leading the office’s conceptual and definitional work on the rule of law that would ultimately form the basis of the UN Secretariat’s definitions of the rule of law, justice, and transitional justice, when Mokhiber would serve as the lead drafter of the Secretary-General’s report to the Security Council on the rule of law and transitional justice in conflict and post-conflict societies.Notably, the definition of the rule of law proposed by Mokhiber included conformity with UN norms and standards for human rights as a substantive component of the rule of law, distinguishing it from more entirely procedural and normatively neutral definitions (“rule by law”) that had allowed repressive regimes with codified laws to claim respect for the principle of the rule of law.

Thereafter, in Autumn of 2001, following the 11 September attacks on the United States, Craig Mokhiber was deployed to UN Headquarters in New York, where he was charged with advocating for the inclusion of human rights safeguards in global counterterrorism efforts and for human rights protections in the wake of the US attacks on Afghanistan. During that period, he served on the UN’s first integrated mission task force, responsible for integrating human rights considerations in the UN’s mission planning for Afghanistan.

As the mission leadership deployed to Afghanistan in January of 2002, Mokhiber was appointed Senior Human Rights Advisor to UNAMA, in charge of the nascent human rights component. In that capacity, he monitored human rights violations, investigated mass graves, visited prisoners, advised on new human rights legislation, supported the convening of an Afghan national conference on human rights, and assisted in the establishment of the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission.

In 2003, Mokhiber returned to New York as the Deputy Director of the New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights at UN Headquarters, where he would press for the integration of human rights standards into the UN’s work in the fields of development, peace and security, humanitarian affairs, rule of law, counterterrorism, and gender.

In January of 2007, Mokhiber was appointed Chief of Staff of the UN’s High-Level Mission on the Situation of Human Rights in Darfur. In that capacity, he would head the team of human rights experts attached to the mission, undertaking missions to the region, and documenting gross violations in Darfur, Sudan. The mission concluded that “the situation is characterized by gross and systematic violations of human rights and grave breaches of international humanitarian law.  War crimes and crimes against humanity continue across the region.  The principal pattern is one of a violent counterinsurgency campaign waged by the Government of the Sudan in concert with Janjaweed/militia and targeting mostly civilians.” Mokhiber returned to UN Headquarters in New York, after the conclusion of the mission’s work.

In 2010, Mokhiber returned to Geneva where he would serve as Chief of the Development and Economic and Social Issues Branch at the UN human rights office. During his time in that post, he directed the sections of the UN human rights office responsible for the right to development, economic and social issues, economic inequalities, poverty, climate change, human rights in migration, the human rights of children, youth, and older persons, corporate accountability and human rights methodologies.

In 2017, Mokhiber was appointed Director of the human rights office at UN Headquarters in New York. There he directed efforts to integrate human rights into the work of the General Assembly, the Security Council, the UN development agencies, the UN global conferences, as well as UN work on gender and on the rule of law. He would serve in that role until his separation from the organization in October of 2023.

Anti-Racism Advocacy

Craig Mokhiber was a vocal anti-racism advocate throughout his career. He pressed frequently for the UN’s anti-racist Durban Agenda and Programme of Action, criticized the US and other western countries for their failure to fully confront and redress institutionalized racism, and called publicly for action on reparations for slavery rooted in the requirements of international human rights law. In the wake of the serious of high-profile police killings of unarmed black men and women in the United States, Mokhiber spoke out against what he saw as centuries of impunity for crimes against black people in the US and the broader west.

Immigrant Rights

Mokhiber was involved in advocacy for immigrant rights for decades, beginning in his work as a lawyer at the New York Bar. At the UN, Mokhiber led diplomatic efforts and public advocacy in the lead up to the UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants in 2016, and the UN Conference on Migration in 2018. Mokhiber’s position was that international human rights, as defined in international law, attach to the person and follow that person wherever s/he goes, including across national borders. As such, migrants are entitled to the full range of human rights protection to which nationals are entitled, with the limited exceptions of certain electoral rights and movement rights and that, in all cases, migrants, regardless of their migration status, are entitled to certain due process guarantees in the determination of their rights under national legal processes.

Technology and Human Rights

Mokhiber also spoke publicly about the potential benefits and dangers of new technologies for human rights, calling for higher levels of accountability for tech firms and platforms, and for the same rights that people have offline to be applied to their presence online. In 2018, he warned about the tendency for artificial intelligence “to reproduce, repeat, and magnify the biases and prejudices that it harvests from human society, including racism, gender discrimination and ageism”, a phenomenon that he called “artificial intolerance.”

UN Political Advocacy

Mokhiber was charged with leading political advocacy on behalf of the UN human rights office for several global intergovernmental conferences and summits in the 1990s and 2000s. Having served on the secretariats of the World Conference on Human Rights in 1993, the UN Commission on Human Rights in 1995, and the UN Working Group on the Right to Development in 2001, he was later tapped to represent the human rights office in its advocacy at the World Summit in New York in 2005. That global summit adopted an outcome that included a number of historic gains for the UN’s human rights programme, including the creation of a new Human Rights Council, the doubling of the UN human rights budget, the first mandate for the mainstreaming of human rights standards into the UN’s work on development and on peace and security, and the establishment of a role for the High Commissioner for Human Rights in briefing the Security Council.

Mokhiber then represented the UN human rights office in the UN’s LDC-IV Conference in Istanbul in 2011, where he appealed for approaches to development in least-developed countries that were based not on economic growth, but rather on equity and dignity. In his statement to the Conference, he argued that “development - real development - is about freedom from fear and freedom from want, for all people, without discrimination. Any more narrow analysis, focused only on economic growth, or private investment, or governmental structures, is destined to fail.

At the Rio+20 conference in 2012, Mokhiber argued that “there could be no such thing as sustainable development without due attention to human rights,” and advocated for the integration of a human rights-based approach in the outcome of the Conference. Later, in. the lead up to the UN Sustainable Development Summit in 2015, Mokhiber led the advocacy effort of the UN human rights office, and served on the UN Secretary-General’s preparatory team for the summit.

In a decade of advocacy before the UN working group on the human rights of older persons beginning in 2012, Mokhiber argued that older persons were growing human rights constituency in the international system that they were increasingly subjected to discrimination, abuse, neglect, and the violation of their human rights based on their status as older persons. To strengthen their protection, he advocated for development of a dedicated international convention on the human rights of older persons.

Advocacy for reform within the UN itself

Throughout his UN career, Mokhiber led initiatives designed to better integrate respect for human rights within the UN itself, including in its development, peacekeeping, and humanitarian work. He was for five years the Chairman of the UN Task Force for Action Two (an initiative to integrate human rights into the UN’s development work), Chaired the UN Democracy Fund Consultative Group, co-chaired the UN Working Group on Leadership, chaired the UN Working Group on Inequalities, headed the Steering Committee of the UN Human Rights Mainstreaming Fund, and served on the UN Gender Task Team.

Critique of UN Leadership

Mokhiber argued that the United Nations was a constitutional organization that was bound by the norms and standards of the UN Charter and by the UN’s normative treaties and declarations. UN leaders that deferred to political considerations in ways that compromised these norms and standards were in breach of their duties, in Mokhiber’s view. He wrote

“[t]he UN is no mere conference center, no venue for the lowest common denominator, no morally neutral entity built to accommodate any state position, no matter how destructive to human dignity, or human progress. Rather, the organization is constitutionally bound by its Charter to take sides – on behalf of human rights, equality, peace, and sustainable development. Remaining true to that mandate requires leaders across the organization who are ready to defend the norms, standards, and principles of the organization – and the peoples that it serves - even, indeed especially, in the face of pressure from governments and other powerful actors.”

On that basis, as Co-Chair of the UN’s Working Group on Leadership, he led the development of a new, norm-based “leadership model” for the United Nations, with a particular focus on the UN’s norms and standards for human rights. He complained that “old, … deferential approaches … continued to stymie effective UN action in crisis situations around the world. Unhelpful pressure from host countries and powerful states sometimes had the effect of silencing principled interventions, dividing UN actors on the ground and at headquarters, marginalizing those ringing the alarm, and generally stalling more principled UN action.” To address this, he proposed “a concept of accountability that goes beyond bureaucratic accountability to organizational hierarchy, intergovernmental bodies and Member States, that is, forms of accountability most subject to political control. The new framework instead prioritizes normative accountability (to the constitutional norms of the organization, as codified in its Charter, treaties and declarations), and accountability to the people that the organization serves, especially those most marginalized or vulnerable among them.

Later, in a speech to the Oxford Union, Mokhiber catalogued the UN’s failures in Rwanda, Bosnia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Palestine, and observed that, in each of these cases “the road to hell was paved by political compromises with powerful actors that became moral compromises at the expense of the rights and dignity of the disempowered masses.” He argued that UN leader were bound by the UN Charter and its treaties and declarations to take the side of its ow norms and standards in the face of resistance from powerful UN member states, charging that “time after time, the political leadership of the UN has chosen not to speak truth to power, not to speak law to force, not to remain true to its own Charter mandate to defend peace, human rights, equality, and development,  but rather to bow to power, and to sacrifice the lives and wellbeing of millions at the altar of political expediency.” While recognizing the important value of the UN’s humanitarian aid, he nevertheless warned that such efforts had often been ultimately in vain, as aid recipients were slaughtered in the face of the failed political response of the international community. Mokhiber asked “Is the argument that we should celebrate the feeding of the lamb by those who are silent at its slaughter? By now, these leaders should have learned from the mathematics of history that humanitarian generosity plus political cowardice can equal only continued impunity, failure, suffering, and death.

Separation from the UN

In February and March of 2023, in the wake of a series of attacks against Palestinians on the West Bank by Israeli soldiers and settlers, including a settler pogrom in the village of Hawara, Mokhiber criticized what he saw an “overly trepidatious” response by the UN in its statements and engagements.  This, he said, was part of a trend that he had seen developing in recent years, whereby UN leaders, fearful of pressure from western powers and government lobbies, muted their critique of Israeli atrocities.  Mokhiber spoke out publicly and on social media, condemning the recent violations. In response, a number of pro-Israel lobby and pressure groups launched a campaign against Mokhiber, criticizing him on social media, lodging a complaint against him at the United Nations, and encouraging an official demarche by Israel’s ambassador in Geneva.

Mokhiber observed that he had publicly criticized countless human rights violations by dozens of countries on all continents during his long career as a human rights official at the United Nations, but that he had never been subjected to smears and pressure campaigns except when exposing Israeli abuses. These tactics, he warned, were having a chilling effect on the duty of UN officials to speak out on Israeli violations of Palestinian rights. Mokhiber reported that, rather than coming to his defense, senior officials of the organization instructed him to be silent on Israeli violations, except for publicly repeating statements made by the Secretary-General or the High Commissioner on the subject. Confronted with this unprecedented restriction, Mokhiber reported that he communicated to the High Commissioner his concerns about the overly trepidatious approach of the UN to Israel’s escalating violations, encouraged a more principled response to pressure from lobby groups and powerful states (in the face of which he believed the UN should “raise and not lower its voice”).  Unwilling to remain with the UN under such restrictions, he communicated his decision to leave the organization in the coming months.

Mokhiber reported that, in the following months, the human rights situation in the occupied territories continued to deteriorate, with attacks on Palestinian civilians in the West Bank and a continued siege on Gaza.  Following attacks by armed militants on Israel on 7 October, Israel cut off all fuel, water, food, and medicines, and launched military strikes on the Gaza Strip.  Mokhiber warned that, given the statements of intent by senior Israeli military and political leaders, and the acts caried out by Israeli forces in Gaza, a genocide was unfolding in Gaza, and the UN should be prepared to respond accordingly.