Craig Mokhiber
Human Rights Lawyer
Craig Mokhiber
Human Rights Lawyer

World Voices Project: design by ArchiCULTURE Studio

  • Created by: ArchiCULTURE Studio
  • Date: 26/07/2009
  • Topic: UDHR 60th Anniversary
  • Category: Video Interview

Zoran Zelic from ArchiCULTURE Studio designed the visual identity, site and graphic elements of World Voices Project, an artistic audio installation that took place at South Street Seaport in New York from July 20 through August 3, 2008.

World Voices Project, created by location sound engineer and artist Brenda Ray, is a mosaic of recordings of people reading the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights in their native language. The exhibition marks the 60th Anniversary of the Declaration, celebrated around the globe.

Among activists at the premiere opening of WVP were UN Human Rights Office director Craig Mokhiber, ACLU Human Rights attorney Chandra Bhatnaga, and NYC Mayor Human Rights commissioner Pat Gatling.

The Declaration is thought to be the most widely translated document in the world, with more than 360 translations. Ray’s goal is to record every spoken language. World Voices Project is to be presented throughout the world as an artistic and educational audio installation exhibited in a variety of venues such as museums, corporations, governments, NGO’s, colleges and universities. A key focus is to reach young people, to encourage them to grow up embracing people’s differences instead of fearing them, and to appreciate other cultures which leads to respecting human rights.